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Thiocarbonyl Chloride, CSCl2

Thiocarbonyl Chloride, Carbon Dichlorosulphide, or Thiophosgene, CSCl2, is produced by the prolonged action of dry chlorine on carbon disulphide:

CS2 + 2Cl2 = SCl2 + CSCl2,

or by passing mixed carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen sulphide vapours through a red-hot tube:

CCl4 + H2S = CSCl2 + 2HCl.

It may also be obtained by reduction of carbon tetrachlorosulphide, CSCl4, with tin and hydrochloric acid.

The chloride is a red, mobile liquid, with a suffocating odour. It has a density of 1.5085 at 15° C., and boils at 73.5° C. It fumes in moist air and is decomposed by water or alkalis, forming carbonic and hydrochloric acids or their salts and hydrogen sulphide.

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